ASP Health is a private medical device company focused on improving cancer survival rates by developing and commercializing cutting-edge technologies to enhance and expand cancer diagnosis.
Our Story
Our purpose, the reason we come to work each day, is to save lives through the early identification of cancer.
A few years ago, in pursuit of this quest within the diagnostic field, our team recognized that better sample preparation would enable automated reading of slides at the nanoscale. We developed a proprietary method to create monolayer slides. Several external clinical experts provided us with our proverbial “A ha” moment: If we partner with the right organizations, we could develop an innovative technology platform that provides important clinical applications, particularly for the ROSE procedure and its use with FNA procedures in the confirmation of several types of cancer.
Based on this and other key insights gained through collaborations with cytotechnologists and cytopathologists nationwide, we created ASP Health as a company focused on the technology platform and its primary applications.
During this organizational transformation, we partnered with Planet Innovation, a world-class company known for creating breakthrough products and commercially successful businesses. Its expertise in the research, design, engineering, and early manufacturing helped us to develop ROSE Prep™, a fully automated and innovative sample preparation system designed for Rapid On-Site Evaluation (ROSE) applications.
After extensive clinical studies at leading institutions, including Mayo Clinic, University of Chicago, Baylor Scott & White – Dallas, and First Health Regional Medical Center in Pinehurst, NC, we obtained the necessary approvals (FDA registration, CE, UL, and ISO 13485 certifications) to launch the ROSE Prep™ system in the US and Europe.
Following the initial commercialization of our ROSE Prep™ system, we heard from stakeholders and customers that an end-to-end automated solution would provide even additional value. With that in mind we have worked to develop such a system.
First, we partnered with best-in-class manufacturers to allow us to offer a fully automated microscope system that can be controlled remotely by a cytopathologist or pathologist. Remote access is a game changer as it enables the pathology team to offer ROSE support without having to be present and wait in the procedure suite, thus saving their valuable time.
Second, we have developed proprietary AI-based software, ROSE Assist™, that seamlessly integrates with the commercially available remote microscope to assist the pathologist in the remote viewing of the specimen slides. ROSE Assist™ identifies the nucleated cells in real time to enable a quick remote assessment of the ROSE specimen slides.
And finally, we are also working on expanding the ROSE Assist™ capability to automatically identify and characterize critical cells present on the slide thereby enabling a fully automated adequacy assessment during ROSE
Our Vision
All facilities that offer Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) procedures will efficiently perform Rapid On-Site Evaluation (ROSE) and will provide enriched patient samples for further cancer diagnostic and therapeutic evaluation, leading to improved patient outcomes.
Contact ASP Health
Please reach us at: 877-5ASPHEALTH (877-527-7432)